Our social commitment

We are a social and solidarity economy company, guided by the principles of solidarity and social utility. Our internal functioning is based on participatory and democratic management methods, where each member of our team has a voice in important decisions. The profits generated by our activity are systematically reinvested in our company and its social project, in order to create a positive impact in our community. To find out more about our social commitment, consult our dedicated article here.

Our social action extends across two territories, where we are actively involved in bringing positive change:

In Morocco

We discovered the argan tree, this emblematic tree of southern Morocco, and its oil with exceptional cosmetic virtues, carefully extracted by the women of local cooperatives.

In discussing with them, we identified certain challenges they face:

- On a human level, they lack recognition and fulfillment at work.
- On the social level, youth are affected by unemployment and dropping out of school, leading to the migration of young people to the cities.
- On the environmental level, the The density of argan trees has decreased considerably, going from 100 trees per hectare to only 30 in a century.

These observations pushed us to act to propose sustainable solutions to these remarkable women. In collaboration with them, we have established a multi-year agreement and a support program aimed at achieving the following objectives:

- Ensure women fair remuneration and offer them training opportunities.
- Prevent their children from dropping out of school and encourage them to continue their studies by offering them annual schooling bonuses.
- Promote job creation for young people in the village.
- Raise awareness among the local population of ecological issues through partnerships with local NGOs.

In France

We are proud to support the use of Lyon's local currency, LA GONETTE, and thus contribute to a supportive, ecological and democratic monetary alternative to the system current financial.

Our social project is anchored in our DNA, and every decision we make aims to create a positive impact on our social and ecological environment. Join us in this united and responsible adventure!